We shot these photos with our friend Esther when I was 18 weeks pregnant and finally feeling more like myself. I was so excited to be feeling better and eating again and wanted to capture these photos as soon as possible in case the nausea came back or in case nothing fit down the road. Pregnancy has been so unpredictable that I don’t take any good day for granted and try not to make too many plans. I’m 23 weeks writing this, and can’t believe I’m quickly approaching the end of my second semester. I wanted to do a Q&A to capture both my feelings and Damon’s feelings during this time.

What have been the highlights of pregnancy so far?
Jenny: First ultrasound at 7 weeks where I saw the flicker of my baby’s heart and the relief I felt, telling our families the news, the amazing experience we had together at our detailed ultrasound at 20 weeks at BC Women’s, and all the big and small movements I feel in my belly throughout the day starting from 16 weeks. Above all, I love how much closer Damon and I have become in the past several months, and how much he takes care of me. I catch him looking at me with so much love every day. I can’t wait to see how he looks at his daughter. I’m so grateful that our baby will be coming into a home filled with so much love, fun, and laughter.
Damon: Finding out we were pregnant, our first ultrasound, telling our families, our NIPT test results, our 20 week ultrasound, Jenny eating again.

How do you feel when you think about the fact that you’re having a baby soon?
Jenny: One minute I’m thinking that our due date is too far away and wishing that the baby can come now and the next minute I’m feeling completely unprepared and overwhelmed by everything I need to do. Overall, I feel excited beyond anything I’ve experienced and so blessed. I’m so happy I found a person that I want to spend my life with and have a baby with. So in awe that there’s a little girl in my belly that’s half Damon and half me.
Damon: Immediate happiness, then I think of how quickly it is coming and panic slightly, then I think of myself holding her and I want to cry.

How did you share the news with family and friends? What was that like?
Jenny: We told our family, a small number of close friends and my team leads at work very early on, around 6 weeks. Sharing the news with family was wonderful and so special. The days leading up to seeing my parents I thought I was going to burst at the seams with the news. There was one evening I remember tearfully asking Damon to drive us over to my parents so I could tell them because I couldn’t imagine waiting another day, but I eventually decided to wait until the moment we planned. We gave our families a gift bag with baby clothes and watched them come to the realization themselves. We were crying so hard (I challenge you to find a couple that cries more than we do haha). I loved Damon’s mom’s reaction. I didn’t expect her to be as excited as she was, and it made me feel so good to witness her genuine joy.
Damon: Sharing with our parents was so exciting. I think I was more excited than our parents because I had built it up for so long in my head. It’s still one of my happiest memories.

What has been the most unexpected part of pregnancy so far?
Jenny: How difficult it would be physically, mentally and emotionally.
Damon: First trimester and how much it affected Jenny (sense of smell, appetite, and nausea)

What are you looking forward to most for the rest of the pregnancy?
Jenny: I want to cherish this time with Damon before the baby comes. There’s a lot to do, a lot to learn and a lot to prepare, but my priorities are to limit my stress, take care of myself, and make the most of the next few months while it’s just the two of us.
I’m looking forward to experiencing childbirth, I really am. I look forward to feeling more mentally and physically prepared. We have an ultrasound coming up at 32 weeks that I’m looking forward to. I feel a strong urge to get organized, and look forward to sorting out our space and the things we need. I’m also really excited to pack my hospital bag. I bought flameless LED candles per other women’s recommendations to create “ambiance” in my hospital room but when they arrived they turned out to be huge. It cracks me up every time I think about packing these giant candles in my hospital bag and I can’t wait.
Damon: Each day is more exciting than the next. It’s a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but reaching each milestone in our baby’s development feels like a huge win.

What makes you the most excited about becoming parents? The most nervous?
Jenny: I’m excited to see what our daughter looks like! I’m excited to get to know her personality. I have a feeling she will have a great sense of humour. She already makes me play a little game everyday called “Do you actually need to pee or am I pushing on your bladder?” and she wins this game most of the time. I’m excited to see my parents become grandparents and have their own unique relationship with her. I’m hopeful that my relationship with them will deepen. I’m excited for her to have her own little section of the garden to grow things. I am so excited to see Damon as a dad. She is the luckiest girl in the world to have Damon as a dad (I’m crying now).
I’m nervous about breast-feeding and anxious about the ways our lives will change.
Damon: Having our little girl and being able to share an incredible life with her. Overall I’m nervous about her and Jenny’s health.

Do you have any names picked out?
Jenny: We do! We’re keeping it private until she arrives, but we’ve been using it and we haven’t considered anything else.
Damon: Only one.

Any plans for a babymoon?
Jenny: I want to go on a babymoon so badly! The other night we were talking about traveling by ourselves to Paris after the baby comes when she’s old enough to stay with my parents, and she started kicking and moving a lot in my belly. We joked that she was protesting this plan and wants to come along!
Damon: Not yet but we will or possibly might after our baby is born.
What do you look forward to doing or sharing with the baby? Anywhere you hope to travel to with the baby?
Jenny: I think it would be so fun for her to have her own little garden to grow flowers, veggies, and whatever her little heart desires. I’m excited to play music for her, read to her, and make her laugh. I’m excited for her to speak two languages. I wasn’t someone who dreamt about having kids, but I’ve always had visions of going on ski trips with my family, and I cannot wait to see her in a little snowsuit and helmet at ski school doing her french fries and pizza pie down the slopes!
Damon: Growing with her and seeing her with my parents is a real future highlight. I can’t wait to take her to a petting zoo or somewhere she can experience animals safely.
Photos by Ardor and Sage. Hair by Margaret Lai.
Outfit: Reiss dress, Aquazurra slingbacks (less expensive version here), Kosas lipstick.